La.Meko Filmfestival Landau

La.Meko Filmfestival Landau is a film festival now held annually during November in the German town of Landau since 2001.

The idea for the festival originally came from the students of the department of Media Studies and Communications Psychology at the Koblenz-Landau University and the festival took its original name (FaMeKo) from an acronym of the title of this group (Fachschaft MedienpƤdagogik/Kommunikationspsychologie in German). The aim was that all amateur filmmakers would be eligible to take part in a short film competition, giving them the chance to present their work in public. Since 2010 the Festival has a more international orientation and changed its name to International Filmfestival Landau - La.Meko

The first festival was held on July 13, 2001 on the university campus. The second festival was a greater success than the first and took place on November 22 and November 23, 2002. Entries from film schools were now also accepted. The Festival competition has several categories (jury award, animation, regional, international, audience award).

2011 will be the 10th festival. It will take place in November/December 2011, with the exact time to be fixed.


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